Did You Win? How to Check Pai International's Lucky Draw

  • by Rahul Prasad P
  • Guides and Tips
  • Guides and Tips
  • on Feb. 29, 2024

What is Pai Lucky Draw 

At Pai International, we conduct a Lucky Draw after each sale period, which occurs four times throughout the year. Customers have the opportunity to collect coupons based on their purchases: for every ₹2000 spent at Pai, customers receive one coupon. For instance, a purchase of ₹10000 would earn five coupons. Each coupon is assigned a unique number, increasing your chances of winning in the Lucky Draw held by Pai International.

How to know the date of the Lucky Draw

The date of this amazing event will be announced on Pai’s Instagram 5 days before the event and the YouTube link will be shared, therefore subscribe to Pai’s YouTube channel for finding all out Lucky Draws and Giveaways. Also, the date of the draw will be mentioned in the coupons

How the Lucky Draw Happens

Pai International hosts a special Lucky Draw event at a venue announced on social media before the occasion. This event is broadcast live on Pai's YouTube channel, allowing customers to either attend in person or watch online. To participate, customers must bring their purchase invoice and the corresponding coupons obtained from their purchases.

During the Event there will be balls picked from a pot, each ball will have a digit from 0 to 9. The combination of these numbers determines the winners of the Lucky Draw if it matches the winning coupon number. The process is repeated multiple times until all prizes are announced. Winners will then receive their prizes on a designated day following the event. For updates follow our Instagram Link

How to know if a customer has acquired a coupon

Pai’s Customers have 2 simple methods by which they will get to know the ownership of their coupons here is how

  • SMS Notification: Upon qualifying for a coupon, customers will receive an SMS notification directly to their mobile phones, ensuring they're promptly informed of their eligibility.

  • Customer Support - Customers can directly call Pai International at this number for enquiry

about their coupon status 080/040-42464343

What if a customer won but lost their coupon

Pai International has customers covered. Upon winning the lucky draw, winners receive an SMS directly from Pai International, ensuring they're informed of their victory even if they've misplaced their coupon. Rest assured, prizes will still be received with the SMS notification from Pai International.

How Can a Customer check for the lucky draw numbers:

  • Instagram Page:

Customers are encouraged to follow Pai International's Instagram page diligently. Here, they'll find timely updates and announcements, including the unveiling of winning numbers. By staying connected on Instagram, customers ensure they never miss out on the latest draw results. Link 

  • YouTube Live:

Pai International hosts live broadcasts of the draw events on its YouTube channel. Customers can tune in to these live streams to witness the excitement firsthand and learn the winning numbers as they're announced in real time. 

  • For added convenience, customers can visit Pai International's official website. The dedicated draw results page provides a comprehensive list of winning numbers, allowing customers to check at their leisure from the comfort of their own homes. Here - Website.

  • Customers also have the option to visit Pai International's physical stores for information on winning numbers. Here, they can inquire with knowledgeable staff members who will assist them in accessing the latest draw results and provide any additional information needed. Here -  Store Locator 

Upcoming three-season sale at Pai International

Three-Season Sale: The three-season sale is the summer period in India. Mostly cooling electronics like air conditioners, air coolers and refrigerators are sold at good discounts in this sale. This sale happens from March to May 


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